September 26-28, 2019 Maumee Bay (Lake Erie), OH

I thought we were “large” on the road, but compared to the real trucks we’re “just a toy”. We pulled into Maumee Bay State Park by mid afternoon after a straight forward interstate highway trip.

Very nice campsite, somewhat secluded from neighbors by large trees and hedges.

We drove to the public beach inside the State Park – It was a beautiful WINDY day! Enjoyed being the only ones on the beach (too chilly to get in) except for the birds.

YIKES! We discovered a hole in our closet floor! The 2×4 that I used to hold the weight of clothes in the middle of the clothes bar, broke through the floor into the storage space underneath!

Glad we had a free day! We drove into Toledo, Ohio (Lowes) and purchased some lumber. Thankful I  brought my tools…we’re learning quickly there’s always something to fix when you’re RV traveling!