May 1 – 25, 2023 SOWER Project # 28, Cross Bar-X, Durango, CO.

We’re headed North again – back to our Colorado mountains! But first the Petrified Forest and the Painted Desert in AZ!

We always love driving through the Sequoias near Phoenix and Flagstaff, AZ. This time we veered off to the East to take in the Petrified Forest (did you know Arizona has the most outstanding petrified forest in the United States!) and then the painted desert just south of Colorado.

Standing in awe – here we are in the middle of a desert (been a desert for hundreds of years) and also an “old” forest! These trees (now fossils) fully support the Biblical truth of the flood – only some 10-20K years ago. These trees did not rot and decay as is normal for ALL trees and plants that lay around on the earth. With observation and verified by science, they reflect the same characteristics of the trees at Mount St. Helen’s that were fossilized within a few months!

Did you know… Trees are only petrified by being buried quickly and deeply under pressure. In this unique situation, within weeks, water borne silica is forced into the wood and surrounds each tree cell turning it to stone. “Although, this was once thought to require a long period of time, in recent years however, geologists have observed petrifaction only to occur rapidly in nature.” Long periods of time only lead to rot and decay- not fossils!

There are literally petrified forests found on every continent on the Earth! Many Ph. D. scientists believe that the Bible’s historical record of a catastrophic world-wide flood event and chronology better explain the fossil and geologic evidence. So here we are looking at and touching trees that existed during the days of Noah – before the flood! – Incredible!!

Romans 1:20 “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.”

The Painted Desert!

So much color in the rock, sand, dirt, and sky of this place! To God be the Glory!

It’s ALWAYS breathtaking to see the majesty of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Believe me the “chatter” in our truck was in full swing as we gazed at the scene before us. “…and we get to live here” became a favorite statement of how blessed we are. Thank you God!

Here we are – our next SOWER Project!

We’re back serving again at Cross-Bar-X in Durango, CO. This year we are serving with two couples that we had so much fun getting to know., Rick & Dru Pack and Dale & Lisa Whittom (first time SOWER Project!) We had fun welcoming and getting to know each other our first weekend. We also met up with the Morton’s – a local alumni SOWER couple who were instrumental in getting Cross-Bar-X of the SOWER project list!

What’s on the “TO-DO LIST” ???

Sam, the maintenance director says, “Hey guys, we need to get these log buildings refurbished – sanding, staining, sealing, chinking, and sealing again” Let’s get to it!

Whew! All that sanding was such a dirty job! We took the old weathered finish down to bare wood on every log – two stories tall – using angle grinders with sanding attachments. They did a great job, but there was SO much dust and grime! We were thankful for protection for our eyes, mouth, and ears! (and a power blower to clean us up with!)

Across the campus, the ladies were put to work in the kitchen and dining area sorting, organizing, and deep cleaning. This is all in preparation for the coming work week and ultimately the campers later this summer.

We ALWAYS enjoy our times of fellowship, especially our meals together! One evening we splurged and went out to eat at the James Ranch Grill. It was so much fun and a very unique restaurant. As God would have it – we met a great retired couple at the next table, who were full-time RVer’s, a wonderful Christian couple, looking for something to do to give purpose to their days while traveling the nation. Of course we shared everything SOWERs with them! We’re pretty sure they will be signing up soon!

We recruited the ladies to come help us (now that the sanding was done). We enjoyed working together as one team on this big project. We were making real progress now!

Ha! Ha! This shows just how hungry we were after working all day! We welcomed the additional 30 or more local volunteers that came for “work-week-weekend”. The camp fed us well and we made lots of new friends!

It was “one team one mission” on our Alpine Lodge building – so thankful for the added laborers!

What a fun hard-working group! We jumped in to serve and encourage them! With all the help, the camp was able to cross a huge list of “to-do’s” off in preparation for the coming camp season.

We kept marching ahead and worked hard these past three weeks – and we feel it! The best part is that we feel it “inside” … our hearts are full! We are grateful to God that gave us this opportunity to work together in His Kingdom doing such a variety of tasks.

We’re also thankful for the strength and wisdom He pours out on us each and every day – and for the Body of Christ that glorifies Him!

OH…gotta soak these old bones! AHH!

We had a great time winding down our time in Durango at their famous Hot Springs. What a great way to relax and refresh!

Our next adventure is back home at the cabin – wonder what God has in store for us? We never know – but we’re trusting Him for the days ahead!