March 3 – 23, 2023 SOWER Project # 26 Mercy Ships, Lindale, TX

Mercy Ships – Transcending Borders – Changing Lives!

“In regions where resources are scarce, our state-of-the-art hospital ships are the most efficient way to deliver medical care to those in need”.

Wish we could report that we spent three weeks at port in Africa (where this picture was taken), but we are in Eastern Texas at Mercy Ships headquarters (Lindale, TX). They run all of their mission operations from here, collect, assemble, pack, and ship medical supplies and other items from here thru Galveston, TX to their ships in Africa. They have a great operation and campus in TX! Here we are- serving together with them!

Each project brings new people into our lives and of course new adventures. We were blessed to serve with Troy & Staci Kelcher (GL’s), Jerry & Janet Key, and Floyd & Barbara Adcock. On day one, we were strangers and also brothers & sisters in Christ – after three weeks we became close friends and family. We are loving this ministry life!

But first…we had to explore the nearby, The World’s Largest Flea Market! WHAT?!!? Who knew? This Flea Market has been ongoing since 1850 and claims to be the world’s largest!

In the early days, people traveled to Canton, TX to trade horses, livestock, dogs, tools and farm equipment, and to sell homemade items and produce. More than a century later, antiques and collectibles, furniture and home décor, arts and crafts, jewelry and vintage clothing are among the more sought-after items. Over 5,000 vendors and over 400 acres! Amazing!!! (Mind blowing – seriously!)

We walked for hours and only saw a tiny little bit of it. We enjoyed the huge variety of used and antique items – I (Dennis) saw a beautiful “flower” (Lorree) amongst the flowers – I just had to have! We topped off the day with fried catfish, Mexican street corn and sweet tea!

Every day is an adventure, right?! When we returned to the truck, we learned that the parking field was SO SOFT & Spongy from the recent rains. We immediately sunk into the “bog” when we tried to leave, even in 4-wheel drive! We just sat there spinning all four tires – UGH! But there was some very kind folks and a tractor that pulled us out and sent us on our way. Great timing – thank you God!

Back on Mission – What did we do at Mercy Ships?

Ken, our coordinator at Mercy Ships, gave us a brief tour of the campus. It’s a beautiful property with various buildings for administration, classrooms, dormitories, Dining hall, and a warehouse that is used to stage supplies to be transferred to the ships currently located in Africa. They recently had a hard freeze and damaging ice that broke down trees and branches all over the campus. Our job – gather, cut, rake, pile, and cleanup as much of the property as we could.

We started out feeling full of energy and were motivated to get this job done! But….it was hard work! This became one of our most physical work projects we have had with SOWERs.

We REALLY enjoyed our breaks as we rested and shared stories. We also got to hear life testimonies from several of the staff at Mercy Ships. Most of those that shared with us had served on a ship at one time and were now serving at their headquarters. Amazing God stories of rescue, healing, and redemption!

Our tasks also included landscaping with new plants, bushes and trees. When they brought in the big equipment to “clear out the old” – we enjoyed watching them do the pulling and the digging! So grateful – whew!

A Global Meeting – including a live connection with the actual Mercy Ships, other stations around the globe, the headquarters here in Texas … and us! What a blessing!

They fed us well – with a chef on site! So delicious, we were so thankful!

We really felt included and involved in world wide missions by attending this rare global event. We got to hear live from those in Africa and on the ships, of the things God is doing, and how He is leading and providing for this ministry in miraculous ways! We were blessed to hear the focus and vision for this year – Faith, Focus, & Forward – with God’s favors!

It almost looks like Jerry & Floyd were digging out this buried tree stump with a shovel and a rake (which is how we started). But we had to call in the “big guys”! So thankful for God’s provision! Our small job of helping to beautify this campus will be enjoyed and will provide encouragement to the many servants dedicated to bring healing medical service to hundreds of needy souls around the world!

And who could forget the “Monkey Grass” …Ken said, “it has to go!” Once again thankful for the “big boys”!

While clearing one of the three fire access roads of fallen timber and overgrown foliage, we came upon this cross, with a bench. Such a restful & peaceful site – we all enjoyed a moment of respite and reflection. Thanks God!

We also were able to work in the administration office packaging donor gifts (so thankful for a day of reprieve from the forest)! We also spent a day opening mail and logging donor gifts. The special notes and letters brought tears to our eyes!

As if all of the above wasn’t enough, on the last days, we prepped a building for painting to be done by the next SOWERs group to come here after us.

Back to that cross… This ministry and our lives, are dedicated to the cross of Christ (forgiveness for all) and the Resurrection – our certain hope for the JOY of eternity with Jesus! “For the JOY set before Him, He endured the Cross” – for us! Whew, we are blessed!