April 1 – 22, 2022 SOWER Project #20 – Ironwood Camp, Newberry, CA

We are in the Mohave Desert – between Barstow, CA and Las Vegas, NV. This SOWER Project is literally in the middle of “nowhere” (see above)! But it’s here on purpose to bring Christ into the lives of adults and youth through a great variety of year round camping, and they are busy!

Lots of fun old western settings for a great time! We talked with Walt (one of the founders) and learned that he went to school with Del Fehsenfeld founder of Life Action Ministries. (We served as Missionaries with LAM for 11 years in Michigan – small world!) Chuck Chastain and Walt Brock, along with the help and support of their wives Sarah and Betty, founded Ironwood early in 1972. What a vision and amazing stories of God’s provision to transform this property from a cement block building into what it is today! What a priviledge and adventure to help with the building and maintenance of this special camp!

The RV sites were very nice with cement pads and this fire ring. We served with David & Laura (Clark) Pincus (GL) and Bernie & Andi McGovern (from Colorado). We had a great time right from the beginning sharing stories by a cozy fire in the 70+ degree evening!

During the week, we met with Sam the camp director (Walt’s son) and the camp staff at their morning meeting and prayer time. The camp staff also met with us during our morning break time. It was fun to get to know each other, learn all the inner workings of the camp, and the different functions of each ministry taking place. This is a well organized and well run camp with a history of helping other camps be successful as well. They have purposed to train their staff with personal development skills, life skills, and spiritual maturity that they can take with them throughout their life! A great investment into the lives of these young people!

It’s off to work we go…………..

During the previous month, the SOWER team remodeled this bathroom in the Art Building. Our first job was to continue with installing a vent and finishing the drywall. We eventually applied three coats of mud with sanding in between coats, and then painting inside and out.

To start with, the gals worked on sorting the laundry and getting it ready for the staff to begin the washing and drying cycles – everyone worked well and had fun together!

HA! The guys assembled the new toilet for the bathroom and Dennis had serious moment of thinking! We also helped work at the local church on the same property in their current remodeling project by installing drywall. They kept us busy with their construction projects!

Our ladies transitioned from laundry to upholstery! The camp is consistantly blessed by the abundant generous donations of so many people and businesses. These chairs were donated but the upholstery was worn. Our servant hearted ladies tackled this job even though it was a challenge and a learning experience. The chairs kept coming and coming…even different styles! They did a great job!

…also, several location and directional signs needed to be refreshed and some new ones made. Laura did a great job!

Whew! For the last two weeks of the project, the guys were assigned to the “Abilene” cabin. This is a two room cabin that is being reconfigured to include new bunk beds, bathroom, and showers for multiple guests. It had already been worked on by previous volunteer groups – we were assigned the task to finish up the walls and trimming. There were four bathrooms and lots of tongue & groove walls. We had fun as we worked with some of the staff. We also learned a lot of useful tips and tricks on this project that I’m sure we will use again.

Did I mention “The chairs kept coming and coming…even different styles!” Here are the additional chairs that the camp started to bring to be re-upholstered. They changed the look from a burgandy pattern to a solid blue. It was a lot of work to remove the current panels, measure, cut, and attach the new fabric. Lorree estimates that they completed 50+ chairs!

Laura posted this on her facebook page…what’s the difference in these two pictures? The mountain disappeared! YIKES!

There has been so much wind that the consistant blowing desert sand is blocking the view! We learned to live with the constant hot wind and fine sand drifting in everywhere – but definitely not our favorite environment. We were thankful it was still spring and not during the dry hot summer months!

SO . MUCH . FUN! We all went to Peggy Sue’s just 15 minutes from the camp on old Route 66. Great food, great nostalgia, great company – we’ll remember this little outing for a while!

Speaking of fun – we had a great time fellowshipping with our SOWER friends, the camp staff, and the campers. So different than when COVID was restricting everything. The leadership of Ironwood invited us to join in an evening served with bar-b-qe’d Tri-Tips and a staff talent show – it was great! The campers that we interacted with the most was during our third week when they facilitated their “Horsemanship Camp”. The high school age campers were taught how to cook using only dutch ovens and the menu? ….brownies and apple crisp – and we were the tasters! SO . MUCH . YUM!

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” Ps 51:!7

This is the official registered brand of Camp Ironwood. No need to explain the broken “I” . (see God’s Word above). They have it branded on all of their vehicles, and we received this gift of a magnet for our RV. This was a great adventure for us – another experience that we will remember for a long time to come. We are so thankful that we joined this amazing SOWER ministry and we get to experience so many different adventures! I wonder what’s next?