April 22 – 25, 2022 A walk on the beach and a visit with family on the coast of California!

One of the things we decided to do in our adventures was to color in each state that we have camped in with our RV. This is our map so far – we got to color in California this trip! We have plans to cross the entire nation this year – we’ll be in the tip of Maine by August, we’re looking forward to all the adventures in between!

We took off one weekend while serving at Ironwood Camp and drove the 3 1/2 hours to Encinitas, CA. First stop was the beach – Dennis said, “it’s been too long!” It was a bit chilly to think about getting wet, but it was refreshing to see and hear the ocean waves crashing on shore. We enjoyed watching a mom teaching her young boy to surf!

Meet Gil & Becky! Gil (Gilbert) is my Dad’s brother – my uncle – and has an amazing story of his life being blind. Becky is legally blind – she can see very close up – thankfully enough to make breakfast for us! What a blessed time to be with them in their home in Encinitas. They share a house with our cousin Chellie (Richelle) and her husband Jamie. It’s been TOO many years since we’ve all had the chance to catch up with each other to share stories and laugh together! We’ll remember this visit for a long time to come!

We showed up on Easter Weekend – Jamie is a “home chef” and loves to cook! He did an amazing job on this turkey. Soooo Good! Chellie made all the “fixin’s”. It was a joy to watch them work and cook together – and we get to enjoy the results!

One of our highlights was just a walk around the neighborhood with Jamie, Chellie, Gil, and Harvey (Gil’s seeing companion dog). We met one of their neighbors and learned that he and Gil had a great relationship since they moved in down the block.

So my blind uncle Gil’s hobby is furniture making! I am SO amazed at his skill and and creativity in making fine furniture for their home, their children (and others!). This is his workshop – he knows exactly where every tool and scrap of wood is. I was introduced to his tools of measuring – he’s had them for years and they are very exact. Consider this: hearing power tools running -buzzing in the night when it’s pitch dark – scary! But it’s a normal day for him. Every piece of furniture is silky smooth and the joints are perfect!

And here is Easter dinner! I don’t have any pictures of the table setting or the overflowing plates of food – but you can imagine the wonderful scene. We are so thankful for the bounty and blessings that God has bestowed on us – we are so glad we made the effort to re-connect with family during this time! Another great adventure!