May 9 -10, 2022 Wrapping up our tour of Utah National Parks: Escalante, Arches, Canyonlands, and more!

We chose to travel Highway 12 North and East through the heart of Utah. We were blessed to see so many different uniques landscapes during the day trip to our next destination.

Highway 12 through Escalantes to Arches and Canyonlands

Every moment of our travel day led to our excitment of seeing Escalantes, Arches National Park and the Canyonlands. Some of our kids have recently visited these areas and have given us some great information in order for us to have a the best adventure!

So we learned that Arches National Park has recently established a “timed entry” – with reservations on line. We booked our time to between 8 -9 am. It worked out well and we enjoyed our time at Arches. Our first stop – Balanced Rock!

Dennis had a bit of a hard time holding up that balanced rock with the perfect pose while Lorree got situated with the camera (what fun!)

We hiked up Windows Road to see Turret Arch and North Window Arch. We were impressed again at the creativity of God in forming these rocks into amazing scultptures for us to experience.

What a great photo op through the arch – Victory!

We saws lots of these old-timer cars and the drivers dressed to match the period. How Fun!

The next day we set out to explore the Canyonlands National Park. It was pretty much a drive through area but we did stop at several places along the way. More beautiful country!

We enjoyed all the beautiful vistas and the vibrant and colorful plants along the roadway through Canyonlands.

Getting back to Colorado! There was a definite change in scenery from rocks, dirt, and canyons to green landscape, trees and bright blue sky! Our planned route eventually led us to Durango, Co, our next stop on this adventure! We are getting so close to home, but we wanted to check out the location of our next SOWER Adventure for June: Cross Bar X Youth Camp, just east of Durango.

Just North of Durango is a great National Forest Campground – Junction Creek Campground. We found this to be a great place to settle and un-wind a bit before our last day of travel to our cabin in the mountains!

Just past Guffey, coming around the corner on the last mile home – is one of our favorite views, that’s Pikes Peak – home sweet home! Wonder what adventures we’ll soon have at Selah Acres? (Just a hint, we never saw “this” coming – check out the next blog!)