May 26 – June 16, 2022 SOWER Project #21 Cross Bar X Youth Camp, Durango, CO.

What a beautiful drive through the Colorado mountains over Wolf Creek Pass. All the snow that has been received has the creeks and rivers full to the brim as it now melts. We stopped several times just to take it all in!

Welcome to Cross Bar X Youth Camp in Durango, CO! We are so excited to be here and to help this camp with whatever they may need from us. We arrived on Thursday before the weekend to get settled and meet with the staff. They were just as excited to have us and SOWERS Don & Betty Spitler join them in working at the camp preparing for the coming summer months. They already had an adventure waiting for us…..

We learned all about the Iron Horse Race – a bicycle race against the Silverton Durango Railroad! This year is the big 50TH celebration event! The State closed highway US 550 just for the race. It’s 50 miles uphill through the mountains, with over 5,700 feet elevation gain, crossing two passes at elevations over 10,000 feet…on a bicycle! It was Saturday before we officially started our project and the camp had already commited to providing volunteers to help at the Silverton finish line. “…hey SOWERS, can you help us in serving at this event?” ….OH YES! What an adventure!

This event was also a fund raiser for the camp. They had over 30 sponsered riders raising money to benefit the camp. We had such a fun weekend – and so fulfilling to be able to serve at something like this – a first for us! There were over 2,000 bikers mixed with professionals and average people of all ages. We saw handicapped, a unicycle, someone totaly spent and others bringing him across the finish line, and several with broken chains walking the last few miles. What a picture of determination and grit! We helped direct traffic, kept spectators off the course, handed out drinks and goody bags, and clapped and cheered all day long!

This camp is purposed to share JESUS with all of the campers (and anyone else!)

After an amazing dinner of BBQ Chicken and roasted sweet corn, Tim Miller (the Executive Camp Director) met with us and the new summer staff. Here is what He shared, “I want the campers to obey the rules, but even if they don’t, I want them to know Jesus! I want the campers to have fun, but even if they don’t, I want them to know Jesus! Above all of our planned activities and games, most of all I want them to know Jesus! Above everything we do here, that’s number one! I want each of you to know this up front, that even if you’ve had a tired and trying day, let them see Jesus!” We accepted our marching orders!

First task: Dennis and Don added planking to the new suspension bridge across the lake. Glad we were only a few feet off the surface and not 1,000 feet! It turned out great!

Lorree and Betty were immediately recruited to work the kitchen. The camp had a couple of workers but they needed help. They cooked and served three meals a day!

Don & Dennis finished the staining and the final railing to the zip line shelter that had been started during the camps work week. We were also so blessed to work with with SOWERS Will & Diane Koehn. They’re independently volunteering for the whole summer at CBX.  Great new friends!

The buildings are all log cabin structures that have needed attention for a while. the insects and birds have been very destructive as well as the weather. We needed to sand, power wash, fill cavities with either foam or backer rod, add wood petrifyer and insect repellent, two-part epoxy putty and/or log chinking – follwed by a new coat of stain/sealer/finish. Whew quite a process and very time consuming! We finished the Bunk House (above)!

The gals continued working the kitchen as well as cleaning, helping in the office and organizing the inventory.

We started the rehab on Eagle Lodge next. What a job – so dirty after years of weather, blowing dirt, and rotting wood. But we made real progress! Dennis studied You-Tube videos, discussed solutions with Sam the maintenance supervisor and Don. We were able to complete the preparation on one face of Eagle Lodge (camp office/kitchen/dining area). There is LOTS to do here – we’ll be back for sure!

And the Summer Camp Season of 2022 officially starts! The focus is to serve the neglectged and possibly abused children of our world – foster kids and other at risk kids. Before we left there were young campers running, laughing, doing chores, playing games, learning how to raise and lower the US Flag, respect each other, and most of al be introduced to JESUS!

These work projects always go so fast. It was great to meet and work with amazing servant minded staff and other SOWERs. We’re the “sponsers” for Cross Bar X Youth Camp, meaning we will help promote the project among the Sower members. We’ll be back!