July 15 – 17, 2022 We’re headed to MAINE! But first – a sweet Hi and Goodbye to our nearby families – Colorado & Kansas!

We left on a Friday looking forward to what adventures lies before us! We’re planning to see our kiddos, explore new lands, meet new people, and learn more of God’s plan for us…all the way to Maine!

First of all, just had to share, we loved getting these great pictures of Nick, Rachel, Isaac, Kaylee, and Mary with Grandma LC!

…and just a few more phots of our precious family that were recently shared with us – We LOVE all these kiddos!

On our way through Rocky Ford/Las Animas, we enjoyed a lunch with Ben & Heather, Jayden & Josh. (Jeremy was working). We had a fun lunch, got all caught up on what’s happening, some laughter and sweet hugs! Thankful for these moments in time.

Then our route directed us through Kansas. We stopped and spent a night in Newton and enjoyed a fun visit with our Busenitz family – so full of smiles!

A day full of games, talking, laughter, good food, and topped off with a trip to Braum’s Ice Cream shop. It’s so good to connect with our family every chance we get while traveling. Changes are in the works for Jon & Becki and Nick & Rachel. Both families are accepting calls to enroll in seminaries and both families will soon be relocating to other states. We are so joyful that we can travel 24/7 and can see all of our kiddo’s wherever they are!

WHAT? This is breaking news…our most recent tank of gas in Kansas was purchased at under $4.00 per gallon! (Note the highest octane was the lowest price – Hmmm). Haven’t seen that kind of price for a long while – maybe this trip to Maine won’t be as expensive as we have been planning – yea!

Camping and traveling through Missouri, we found our first covered bridge! It was just a few miles from our camp so we had to go exploring.

So interesting! We decided we would seek out more covered bridges during our journeys.

Moving on – next we get to see our sweet family in Michigan. Looking forward to hugs, adventures, projects, and making more memories!