November 27 – December 17, 2022 Back in Colorado – life at the cabin and our 50th Anniversary!

Its a good sign! Welcome to Colorful Colorado – HOME! We also saw a great sign painted all over the back of a car we were following – someone’s driving around being positive and encouraging others! Both of these made us smile 🙂 And then God’s beautiful sunset painting – covering the immersive skies – JOY coming from so many directions! After traveling over 24,000 miles this past year – we were ready to just settle a bit, rest…

…and enjoy our 50 years of memories. Selah!

This time at home gave Lorree opportunities to engage with her partners, customers and training in building her Juice Plus Business. Time is always valuable and while not traveling for a bit, she could have fun encouraging others and teaching the benefits of nutrition!

We even did some decorating at the cabin – a first!

Something we dearly missed while on the road was being involved and connected to our home church. Just down the road from us, we joined Four Mile Community Church – teaching the Word and loving the people! The people here have a heart to share Jesus with the local community by helping neighbors and activity creating events to do just that!

The church decided to host another “Bethlehem Revisited” this year and invite the surrounding neighbors. Since we are “home” we were able to help our church family construct the “town”, the manger, corrals, and other preparations for the upcoming night.

We had a great evening – Dennis became a “Wise Man” and Lorree helped serve in the kitchen. We had a fair turnout (the weather was in the teens that night – pretty chilly!) It was a new adventure for us – sharing the Christmas Story live to our mountain neighborhood friends!

God blessed all of us with a beautiful full moon darting in and out of the winter clouds!


December 17, 1972 – 2023 Celebrating our 50 year Anniversary!

“Haven’t aged a bit!” We enjoyed a quiet evening with a delicious homecooked steak meal. We’ve had fun looking back on our early pictures and trying to remember life back then!


We are so grateful to God for the precious moments we can cherish over these past 50 years! Now lets get to more adventures ahead!