January 1 – 30, 2023 A brand new year full of new adventures! But first, a restful month at Selah Acres.

We have few more weeks to spend at “home” before we head out to start our next Sower Ministry Tour. It’s cold, a bit snowy, but full of great views, colorful sunrises, blue skies, and bright moons at night. We planned to just have some downtime – but we kept busy, imagine that!

January presented us with a lot of NEW things happening with Juice Plus! We are both sharing the great health benefits of eating God’s natural foods. – fruits & veggies (in a capsule or a chew!) The most thoroughly researched nutritional product in the world!

From home we attended a 4 week coaching workshop (several zoom meetings each week). We learned that Juice Plus was now being advertised on National TV, we attended a live workshop in Lakewood, CO, and ordered our own tower garden that will enable us to grow our own produce (when we get back to the cabin this spring. Lorree is advancing in her position with the company and helping so many others build their business and their health! God is providing the resources we need for our nomad lifestyle – and blessing others with good health every where we go! We’re thankful for the years of benefits from Juice Plus.

And while we were inside our warm cabin – this happened outside….

Our Hot Tub froze! YIKES!! It appears that a critter possibly ran over the electric cord and jarred it just enough to become unplugged. With the minus degree nights and 20 degree days, the hot tub didn’t have a chance. (I did think that the guy playing hockey on top on his hot tub was a pretty cool idea! 🙂

After a week of breaking the ice, vacuuming water, running a portable heater in the tub with the lid closed, and waiting for the right sunshiny day with temps above 40, Dennis was shouting and dancing, “the hot tub works and there is no broken plumbing!” Yeah!

Another reason to stay in Colorado was a few ongoing doctor appointments…

Dennis’s legs, ankles, and feet have been swelling and he lost a lot of muscle coordination in his legs over the last several months. It was really affecting his walking and balance.

(Ugly feet!) ….but what a change! We were advised that it could take a year or so for the muscles to regain their full function and for the swelling to stay in balance. We’re thankful for a great outcome! We’re learning that it’s a bit alarming to grow old – but thankful for the life and energy that we do have!

After some research on the meds, vein & artery tests, and discussions with the doctor, we came up with a plan. We added a diuretic, cut the heart pressure and statin meds in half, started using compression socks, and got some PT therapy with instructions we could take on the road with us. WOW – with a diet including Juice Plus, his heart meds were cut in half!

Lorree was able to join her friend Ruth for a Salad In A Jar Party in Colorado Springs. They had a great time and were able to give some valuable health information to the ladies attending!

Dennis went to the shooting range with Duane (Ruth’s husband) an shot up some targets. He had a good time and found the new rifle he has been looking for. So we have a new “varmint” gun. He’s ready for those badgers, coyotes, and bob cats we’ve seen at the cabin.

We had a full few weeks, they went so fast! We learned a lot and had a great “rest” but it’s time to hit the road to our next adventure. We’ll meet up with another SOWER couple at Glen Rose, TX to serve at Riverbend Retreat Center for the month of February.

But first some parting shots of our crisp air, frost on the trees and residual snow!

Bye, Selah Acres – see you in the Spring!