March 27, 2023 Mom’s 95th Birthday! We are Blessed!

We left our SOWERs project on the weekend and traveled to the Northeast corner of Colorado – arriving in Fort Morgan to celebrate Mom Johnson’s 95th Birthday!

On Sunday, we attended Trinity Lutheran Church services – it was a great day with a special message and was honoring to Mom’s 95 years of abundant life! Jesus Said, I have come to give life and life more abundant! ( John 10:10) Mom’s joy was radiant in her smile and love for people, family and the Lord!

We enjoyed delicious Cabbage Pockets, Butterballs & Noodles, Sausage, and all the fixin’s!

It was a great day of celebration and honor to Mom! Family& friends included Kay, Dennis & Lorree, Gary (from home) & Wanda, Jon & Becki & kids, Ben & Heather and kids, Marcia & Grayson Fritzler, and more via zoom, cards, letters and prayers!

We all enjoyed the many many stories that Mom shared that day. So much fun and encouragement in living the love of Christ in this crazy world. Mom’s many years of studying the scriptures, journaling, and fervent prayers have been the source of blessing for for all of us! Thank you Mom for living a Godly life “out loud” and in front of the world to see – YOU are our blessing – praying for many more years to come!