July 22 – August 2, 2022 On our way to Maine – through Vermont we had a God Detour! Thankful for His sovereignty!

”A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps”  Proverbs 16:9

More about God’s well planned and necessary detour later. But first, let’s explore Lake Champlain and look across to Canada!

We stayed in Plattsburg, NY on the West side of Lake Champlain then traveled North to the US/Canadian border. Soon we were driving south from the border into Vermont. We enjoyed the beautiful country and this beautiful lake. During the Revolutionary War, Lake Champlain became a critical strategic arena. If the Americans could capture the lake’s forts, they would gain not only cannons but also control of the lake. They would then command the most direct invasion route to British Canada. Lot’s of early American history around this lake. We ended up driving through a fierce thunderstorm but saw some great scenery.

God’s sovereignty, and His well planned detour!

For the past several days, Lorree had been having some stomach and back issues, some low-grade fever and just not feeling well. This day her discomfort was continuing to increase so we prayed and started talking about the need to find an urgent care to have things checked out. Our planned route would take us south from the top of the lake to the bottom where we would then head East for about another hour. I had already googled urgent care facilities along the way and there were several large cities ahead with plenty of options available, so I felt in control of the situation and had a plan just in case. After slowly driving through the storm and heavy traffic we finally made it to the bottom of the lake and across.

Sometimes the highway interchanges look and feel like this photo on the left! But we had nothing like that in front of us. The photo on the right was our upcoming interchange. I had turned off instructions for routing because Mr. Garmin didn’t like me changing the route. Besides, it was fairly simple, no real reason to miss the first right turn that puts us on the southbound freeway – but I did. After glancing at the map I anticipated crossing the interstate and taking a left turn up ahead in order to make that circle and then head south. Well, we did turn left but we were now headed north (and didn’t know it!) We drove for about 30 minutes and Lorree was getting more uncomfortable, so I told her to google the nearest urgent care.

We found this facility on Google and “pulled over” at Northwestern Medical Center in St Albans City, VT. There was a perfect parking spot for our rig very near the emergency entrance (thank you God!) They were able to get Lorree in to be seen in a short amount of time (thank you God!)

The ER Doctor and the technicians were amazing. (Thank you God!) They went right to work to determine the extent of Lorree’s discomfort. The doctor explained that her gallbladder was hot and upset and most likely passed a stone into the pancreas which made it all hot and angry. Bottom line, she had cholelithiasis with pancreatitis. She needed surgery to remove her gallbladder – but first we had to wait until the pancreas had time to settle down. So…we weren’t going anywhere soon and it was a good thing we “pulled over”! (Thank you God!)

Dennis was able to find a small campground close by and called them to explain the situation. “I might need a site for multiple days , but not sure how many.” Most campsites have been full, but Mike said, “come on over – we’ll make it happen”. (Thank you God!) After texting our family letting them know what’s going on and asking for prayers, my sister Kay responded with, “So close to Canada…” I thought, “what?” I googled where we were and realized – we weren’t supposed to be here! We should have been south not north! Then we knew God was directing our steps to the place He had prepared for us! Thank you God!

So… on Lorree’s Birthday this year, she received lots of tender care, beautiful flowers, hundreds of prayers and a successful gallbladder removal. (Thank you God!) This small rural hospital is named in the top 100 in the United States! The well experienced surgeon has credentials in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. It is connected with the University of Vermont just a few miles away with all the high tech equipment and specialists you can imagine….THANK YOU GOD! He provided the best for Lorree!

After spending 6 days (combined pre and post surgery), Lorree was discharged. We were able to come home to our RV. We stayed at the campsite a couple more days before traveling again so Lorree could rest and heal. Yes, Thank you God for this detour! We made arrangements to arrive a week late to our upcoming SOWER project in Maine – but we were still coming! They encouraged the rest and healing.

It was so good to be back in our home (RV) and together again! Dennis cooked up a pot of Chicken Noodle Zucchini soup, pretty tasty! We are overwhelmed with the friends and family that have prayed for us…

This has been an adventure that we never had planned – “But God”!

Thank you for your love, prayers, friendship, and support for us. We are grateful to be able to share our journey/adventures with you and to enter into your life in this small way. May you be encouraged and draw closer to our Lord as you travel with us!

December 26 – January 31, 2022 At the cabin…It’s beautiful, it’s cold, it’s snowy, ….and it’s COVID. An adventure in resting!

It was a beautiful “homecoming” to our little cabin in the Rocky Mountains. Sunshine, blue sky, and snow on the ground. We saw so many tracks – wonder what wild life made all of these? We know there are rabbits, badgers, and chipmonks, also deer and elk – and even coyotes roaming through from time to time. The tracks leading up to our cabin were the most welcome – it’s good to have a home to come home to! Little did we know that God was going to change our plans from just a couple of weeks at home – to over a month!

Frustration No. 1 – no internet! We also had no cell service but we knew that going in. We had to call from the road and use walkie talkies to try to sync with what the tech guy on the phone was trying to tell us to do. It finally got to a point that he said it would require a service tech to come out and fix it. Ugh -OK – scheduled for 2 weeks out!

Frustration No. 2 – we were supposed to have results concerning Dennis’s sleep study. After appointments and visits at the three offices involved we learned that the results were never communicated to each other. We had to learn if equipment was even going to be available because of the Covid supply chain delays. Ugh -OK – scheduled for 2 weeks out!

What to do? We had planned to be back in Arizona in 2 weeks to serve at our next SOWER’s assignment in January. Now that wasn’t going to happen – so we canceled that assignment and decided to re-locate for January and remain in Colorado to get everything back in order.

But all of our “stuff” was still in Phoenix (1,450 miles round trip!) Yea -ROAD TRIP! So we left Colorado, spent the night in Albuquerque, NM. and landed back to our RV on the track at Phoenix Christian School We stayed a couple of nights in Phoenix and enjoyed some sweet SOWER fellowship with Mil & Linda, and Ralph & Lella for a couple of days. Then we hooked up our rig and headed back to Colorado to take care of all those loose ends.

Back at home! What a change in climate (1,000′ to 8,700′ elevation) from warm sunshine to cold and snowy. Both are beautiful…but the contrast within a couple of days, wow!

We had to make daily trips down to the road in order to connect with the rest of the world. If we parked in a certain spot at the end of our driveway we actually got three bars of cell service (I know – first world problems!) Dennis was able to get Century Link to set up land line service to the cabin. We had previuosly removed all of the old phone wires – so that meant crawling under the cabinets, drilling some holes, and running new wire to the box. Yea! It works!

We still didn’t have internet and the cell service would come and go. Lorree had multiple zoom meetings every week in the evenings so we drove the 6 miles to park in the Park County Library in Guffey. We made a lot of trips (but it worked and we didn’t miss a beat!)

And then…one of those nights, we came back home and stepped on our back porch. We just happened to look up – at the heavens – the beautiful Milky Way was right there above us. We were stunned – in awe of God and the majesty that we were seeing! The heavens DECLARE God is here and has all things together. It was GOOD! What a blessing to our souls! It was like God saying “Selah, Dennis & Lorree, Selah!” (Pause, Reflect, & Praise!)

Dennis had an idea, what if we installed the data booster system that we use with the RV on occasion. Maybe there is a cell “bar” floating up there somewhere, that we could magnify in order to get internet inside the cabin? YES! There was! We now have access to the internet inside our warm cabin. It’s not 100% …but look at the smile on Lorree’s face!

Oh, and we found a great little church about 10 miles East of our cabin. The Gospel is preached, the Word is taught, and the people are wonderful! Another blessing and it’s in our own “backyard”! We felt right at home – and home feels so good!

So, this poor little plant is suffering from a lack of strength and vitality that is normally coursing through its roots, stems, and leaves. Something very similar to the effects of COVID. We started feeling just like this plant on the counter – thankfully we were already quarantined – snug in our cabin, away from everyone else.

We were SO tired! We just wanted to rest, sleep, sit in our chairs, and lay in our bed. We had low fever off and on, a bit of congestion, some coughing, and serious fatigue! We never got tested, but it was pretty obvious. We did have some bright moments every day – like it would be gone, but only for a few hours. We had been building up our immune system with whole food fruits and vegetables and berries (Juice Plus) for years – now it was playing out to our benefit! Our bodies were able to fight this hard – just as God designed. So thankful!

So for the next TWO WEEKS – we didn’t do much. We shared that it was hard to “rest”. We are so used to moving and doing – this was not us at all! We read a lot, listened to the radio, ate soup, drew a few pictures, sewed on some projects, and watched some football. We finally started to feel our tiredness go away. Our days started becoming more active and engaged in life again. We know so many others have really suffered through COVID and we have lost friends to the deadly virus. We don’t discount God’s goodness to us – we are thankful for His healing touch! We pray for strength to continue to encourage and help others in the days ahead!

We had visitors one day after we were done with our ’bout of illness”. When Issac’s little hamster, “Hammer”, died he asked his Dad if he could bury it at the cabin. They stopped by and took care of that task. We had a good visit. We’re thankful that our kiddo’s have a godly perspective in these lessons to learn and we can share some of these times.

We enjoyed the beautiful snow fall that came to our cabin about once each week. We got our exercise sweeping the snow off our porch. It felt good to breath deep and take in the crisp cold air full of oxygen (well – we’ll take what we get at 8,700 feet!)

Then there were days like this! I know the picture is quite hard to focus on, but this is a herd of hundreds of elk – just across the road from our cabin & Selah Acres! (that fence line is at our road). We came home from church and just parked in our driveway – amazed at the sight. The elk are about 1/2 mile away and they just were standing – maybe just enjoying the warm sunshine on their backs.

…and then more snow! But guess what!? The Hughes Net satellite technitian arrived (4 weeks out from our initial contact) and was able to fix our service! He walked in the door, very nice young man, a great conversation, kept clicking on his smart phone, and finally said”OK, you’re all fixed and good to go!” Only 4 minutes had passed – AND WHAT DID HE DO? YES, we had internet again and all was good (So why can’t we fix this ourselves?)

Just a week to go before we leave to Tucson…

We had the fun of seeing Issac performing in the Shakespere play, “McBeth”. He was Macduff – the avenging hero who helps save Scotland from Macbeth’s tyranny in the play. It was great to see Issac on stage – he did great!

We spent the night at Nick & Rachel’s, it was wonderful to spend some one on one time with the kiddos! The next day, they put on a play in the living room for all of us – probably will be the thing to do for the next week or so! Mary just loved all of it!

We also spent some time with Carl, Beth, and Anya! It was fun to share life’s adventures and catch up on what is happening in their life. Anya, you’re so cute!

To wrap things up, we acknowledge that we are always at the will and guidance of God in this life. When we are serving in His Kingdom work or loving on our family, or just “resting” in His care, we are, “experiencing the adventure He has set before us!” We LOVE this adventure, with the ups and the downs! What is coming up in the near future??!!!

Check out our next blog!

March 27 – 30, 2021 Some R&R in Louisiana – Swimming with Alligators – YIKES!

Our SOWER Projects are completed for now, and we’re headed for some rest & relaxation in Louisiana on our way to Alabama. We couldn’t leave Texas without one more stop at a Buccees for a great Brisket sandwich!

We were able to Zoom a get-to-gether for Mom’s 94th Birthady! It’s great to be able to connect all of us across the nation with a few clicks. Mom is doing so well – still going strong and full of bubbly joy! We’re all thankful for the health God has blessed us with. Looking forward to be together this summer!

WELCOME! Palmetto State Park – Louisiana.

This was a beautiful park/camping area. They have really made a great recreational yet rustic adventure area for families. We loved the natural setting and our great camping site. The Saw Palmetto’s were everywhere nestled amongst the pine trees and lots of Cyprus trees along the many water ways.

This crazy large statue met us at the entrance to the park. Pretty realistic and SO huge! (It should have been a warning of things to come!) But we’re clueless….

Found out that the camp offers canoe rentals, they have three “ponds” small lakes that are connected by a meandering canoe water passage trail though the foliage and tall grass. Let’s do this! We had a great time canoeing for about an hour meeting several others, families in kayaks along the way. It was a great time.

We stopped and took off our life jackets for a picture at the end of one of the waterways. It was a beautiful setting – we took lots of other pictures (which we no longer have!) [Strange to think this could have been the last picture of us].

After about an hour, we stopped at this pavilion to enjoy a picnic lunch that Lorree packed for us. Our canoe was beached at the far side and we ate at a picnic table on the deck. Of course we had to send an update of our adventures to our kids – including several of the pictures you see here (otherwise we wouldn’t have any!)

As we enjoyed our picnic on the deck, what we didn’t see was this sign warning of alligators! We had actually seen a few gators from the “safety” of our canoe – even rowing hard to be where they are so we could take pictures! (They were so cute – they even gave us “the eye”!)

After rowing into a large lake area Dennis saw a great BIG gator slithering into the lake from the shore – we were about this close – as the picture above shows! (internet photo) Lorree didn’t see it yet, so Dennis gallantly lifted his paddle and excitedly pointed toward the gator and said “look, right there!” and then…..

…we both leaned the same direction and found ourselves in the water with our canoe upside down. It was a SHOCK to realize we were in the lake (with gators!) We were trying to orient ourselves grasping for the canoe and our belongings. Lorree’s sandals and the cooler were floating nearby so Dennis grabbed them as Lorree grabbed the canoe. We were able to flip the canoe over… Dennis remembered from Boy Scouts that it wouldn’t completely sink.

We did not want to swim to the nearest shore knowing the gators were there, so we swam hard across the lake about 300 feet (think football field!) We had just shared with our kids during lunch that Gators can swim 20 mph in the water – and that was on our minds! Lorree had the swamped canoe and had tied it to her life vest in order to swim better. Dennis had all the “floatables” and continued to swim in the rear telling Lorree to keep heading to the shore across the lake. We both decided to swim on our backs kicking our legs – it was much easier. Dennis prayed, “Lord have mercy! Don’t let them bite my legs off!” ! Lorree kept praying “give us strength Lord!” It seemed to take forever!

GOOD NEWS! We are so THANKFUL to our Lord for our “salvation” – just as He close the mouths of the lions for Daniel, He closed the mouths of the alligators for us!

Just as we landed on shore there were four young boys who “happened” to wonder by. They saw us and asked if we needed help. We were totally exhausted but full of adrenaline! They helped us pull the water swamped canoe ashore and then dump it out. After checking our pockets we learned that we lost both of our iPhones and the keys to our pickup. They had a cell phone and called their dad. He came with other men and helped us get our spare keys from our camper and then load the canoe to return it. We were exhausted but thrilled at God’s mercy and grace.

So Thankful for the protection and strength to swim all that way without a bite! Thankful for Life Jackets – seriously…we would not be here if we had not had them on! Thankful for the young boys who God sent to help us – they “just decided to see where this road went” at just the right time! Thankful for the men who helped us sort things out and get our lives back together.

(FYI: We both have a bit of PTSD when we get triggered with lakes and canoes!)

So now we’re on our way to our next adventure. Looking forward to the days ahead with our kiddos in Alabama. In retrospect, were loving nomadic lifestyle – everything has a new perspective. We look to an adventure with God everyday!

“I came that they may have life and have it in abundance.” John 10:10

Feb 13-17, 2021 We survived the Texas Freeze of 2021!

Who knew that when we booked our Texas SOWER projects for the winter to “stay in areas that are warm” we would be living through lots of cold, damp, windy, and frosty weather from time to time. But the Big Texas Freeze in February while we were at Texas Baptist Encampment at Palacios, TX. was our biggest surprise! Roughly three full days and nights of below freezing weather with no city electricity or water. We were so thankful to be able to live in our trailer for shelter. We had battery power, propane for heat, and and water from our storage tank.

We prepared as much as we could for the cold after learning what was coming our way. We insulated and bagged all the water spigots we could find, we left water trickling in most of the buildings, we insulated and wrapped our RV water lines, and made sure generators were working.

This is what most mornings looked like out our window. We called off work for Monday and Tuesday with orders to take care of ourselves and each other. Everyone was so kind and generous with their help and equipment. A couple of generators were being passed around the camp to be sure every that could had charged batteries.

We hooked up our trailer to our truck and let it run for about 5 hours at a time. This trickle charged our batteries and keep us warm with the furnace running and also gave us lights. One night I left the trailer plugged to the truck with out it running – it drained the truck battery. Chris drove over and jumped my truck with his – and we were good to go again!

Propane was available in Palacios for the first few days till they ran out. We drove to Bay City and had to stand in line for 1 1/2 hours to get re-filled. We were thankful for the businesses that supplied the propane and stayed open extra hours to help so many people.

The February 13–17, 2021 North American winter storm, unofficially referred to as Winter Storm Uri, was a major winter and ice storm that had widespread impacts across the United States, Northern Mexico, and parts of Canada. The storm resulted in over 170 million Americans being placed under various winter weather alerts being issued by the National Weather Service in the United States across the country and caused blackouts for over 9.9 million people in the U.S. and Mexico, most notably the 2021 Texas power crisis.

We stayed warm and cozy in our trailer. So thankful we have this lifestyle! Nearby families living in houses had no electric, no heat, no water. They lived and slept in their houses with temperatures of 25 degrees or less!

We tried to get some needed supplies at the local grocery store and/or Walmart. This is what the shelves looked like through out the store for about two weeks.

The camp continued to provide meals for the volunteers even without electricity. They fired up the big propane cook stoves and kept everyone well fed. It was a highlight of each day to get together as a family and share “cold stories” with each other.

There were about ten leaks (a couple of major pipe bursts) that our team jumped on right away. Rob was tankful that he had a team of guys ready to work and could tackle these leaks ASAP! We can all add plumbing to our skill sheets now – or mark an increase in our knowledge factor!

The Survivors!

What a joy to share this adventure and these memorable moments with this special group of SOWERS. We are thankful to our Lord for being with us and providing all that we needed during these days. Looking forward to more adventures with Him in the coming months!

August 6, 2020 Its Ours! We bought a cabin in the Colorado Mountains!

Here’s the story….

Late one evening (July 15) I was looking through listings on-line and a notice popped up on my app – “just listed 5 hours ago”! I showed Lorree the listing and we both thought the same thing…”could be the one?”

I texted our realtor, didn’t know if he was available or not. Yes he was on-line, yes the listing agent was on-line, Yes we could see it tomorrow afternoon, Yes, we had permission to leave work early, Yes, yes, yes!

When we arrived at 4:00 pm, there were other cars just leaving the property. It had already been shown several times within 20 hours of being listed! We prayed for wisdom as we met with Dan, our realtor, and looked at the property. He agreed with us that it was worth more than she was asking based on our previous experiences (so thankful we took the time to explore other options). He repeated his thoughts from the outset that this will go fast and he added that it will go for more than asking price. Lorree and I had already agreed on a set amount to offer, but just at the last moment I had a impression from God to offer $5K more than that. I looked to Lorree for confirmation and she didn’t have any reservations, so we made the offer. The next day Dan called and said “good thing you made the offer you did, there were three other offers that afternoon for more than the asking price, and you got it!”

It was like, “Welcome home!” For the next three weeks we re-lived our initial visit by looking at these photos over and over. The views from “our” property were amazing. Each time we felt peace and assurance in our spirit that this is the place God had picked out just for us! There were a few issues the owner had to resolve before closing (septic system and Tuff shed) but everything came together very smooth and on time!

Here’s a brief tour inside the cabin that we saw on our initial visit…

With the funds we received from selling our house in Canon City along with a bit of our savings, we were blessed to be able to pay cash for the property. We were committed to not have any debt is our retirement – God is so good to honor that for us.

…and we have a future bunkhouse for the grand-kids! On one end there is an open loft that may be as good or better than a tree house! We’re SO excited to be able to share this cabin, shed, and 20 acres with our family.

On August 6th at 10:00 am we closed on this property, by mid afternoon we were parking our RV (had to clear a branch to fit)! We were overcome with the joy of being blessed by our Lord Jesus – So grateful for all He has done in our lives and for the continued adventures. We just had to take time, pause, and reflect on His goodness and His gracious love for us (and for you!) In scriptures there’s a word for that….”SELAH, ” to pause and think about that”

We’ve named this place, Selah Acres. A place to pause and reflect on the salvation He freely offers to everyone, and for the many adventures God has for each of us!

March, April, May, 2020 YIKES! COVID-19, Our brother Gary, and changes to our lives.

Shelter-in-place! Isolate! Self-Quarantine! Social Distancing! “Safer-at-Home”

Along with the rest of the world we entered into the mysterious and “fearful” world of COVID-19. As we watched the news and wondered how this would affect our travel plans….we started seeing signs and hearing reports of “Self Quarantine”, “Isolate”, “Stay-at-Home”. All travel is being discouraged, Campgrounds are closing, so we had to regroup and make changes for the weeks ahead. See the following blogs for how we “rolled-with-the-virus”. God opened up new adventures for us that was not on our radar. New people, new places, and a new way to trust in His love and protection!

These are just some of the Headlines that we are reading. The whole world is reacting to this “deadly virus” in unimaginable ways.

Every day…no, every hour the landscape of recommendations, rules, and orders are changing our lives along with everyone else. Social distancing and face masks are now the norm at every truck stop. Rest areas are closed/barricaded, restaurants are closed to dine-in (take-out only), and all State Parks and National Parks throughout the US are closed.

All groups are limited to 10 or less people, so all churches and any other gathering places for any reason are in effect “closed”.

Adding a face to COVID-19, Gary was diagnosed with the Coronavirus. Hundreds of people praying!!

We received word in late March that my brother Gary tested positive for the virus and was placed on a ventilator. He was sedated and partially paralized to keep him from dropping his O2 levels trying to protect his other organs. Things looked very grim. His wife Wanda was not allowed to enter the hospital or see Him for a month. All we could do was pray and trust God with Gary’s life.

Hundreds of people were praying as the word spread about Gary. Then we received this pic …and the announcement of a miracle! Gary was alert, off the ventilator, and Wanda was able to be with Gary again! We were overjoyed and full of thanksgiving and praise to the Lord for His mercy and love for Gary and the family!

Gary still has a long road of recovery. During his down tile with the ventilator he developed a serious and deep bed-sore wound. After operations, a special “sand bed”, and lots of tender loving care, he is making progress. The next steps will be weeks (months?) of re-hab before heading home to continue to recover. We are continuing to pray daily for God to completely heal him and give him strength for the days ahead!

Changes made to our daily life.

Shopping is probably the biggest change for most people. All small business are orderd “closed” so all shopping is on-line or at the big-box stores. The economy has tanked – unemployment is higher that anytime is US history. Shelves of “essential” products are empty (e.g. toilet paper!?!). We are shopping once a week – get there, check off our list, and get back “home”. We only were our masks when required – so far twice. We are not living in fear but we do practice social distancing, washing often and using hand sanitizer. The most comforting thing for us is that God led us to increase our immunity by practicing good heath habits and eating nutritious fruits and vegetables. Taking Juice Plus! daily has given us the benefit of a strong supported healthy immune system. We continue to thrive and enjoy life even during this pandemic.

December 29, 2019 OH NO! Coming into Florida we had a “truck-crunch” on the highway.

Made it into Florida – ready for some Sunshine and looking forward to our warm winter months!

…and Crunch! We were traveling south on I-75 almost to Ocala. Our Google Maps suggested an alternate route to avoid a traffic accident up ahead – so we took the new route. We were now on 301 – which turned into 441, a very busy 4 lane highway with lots of entrances and exits. All of a sudden we saw red lights up ahead! Cars and trucks were breaking, we saw some cars swerving to miss other cars. We immediately stomped on the brakes as did the car in front of us. Unfortunately she “dead-stopped” in the middle of our lane! Even with the brakes locked up on the truck and on the trailer, I just couldn’t get stopped before hitting her rear end. IF ONLY 10 MORE FEET! We think we would not have hit her if we had a bit more room.

We learned that she had a pet cat in a cage which flew into her front seat when she stopped – so she was concerned about her cat. She could’ve keep moving with the traffic, but…. [Also learned that if we had a dash cam we could have replayed the incident and possibly not gotten a ticket]. Oh well – this is an “adventure” right!

We’re praising the Lord for watching over us! No one was hurt, and no other cars were involved. The traffic kept coming, so we had to move off of the highway into the median to get out of the way. We called our insurance companies and the Highway Patrol. While we waited, a Deputy Sheriff stopped to see if everyone was alright. Then we waited – and waited – finally called the highway patrol again, they said it could be a “little while” they were busy. We waited over an hour and a half before they showed up, and then it took another almost hour to write it up.

We cleaned up as best we could and she called a tow truck for her car. Our truck was drive able – It was good to get going again! We were finally headed to our next stop at Southern Palms RV Resort in Eustis, FL


Our insurance told us to take it to Gerber Collision Services for an estimate, which we did in Eustis, FL while we were camping there. Their estimate was done in about 7 minutes (!?!) and came in at around $3,000. Our insurance said we could get it fixed any where we wanted so we took it to a local Chevy Dealer (VanGannaway – a fun name!). They seemed very experienced and spent a good amount of time looking in and around the damage and found that the previous estimate was not inclusive of everything there was to be replaced. Also there was a check engine light on by now – they found the louvers for the steering cooling system were damaged as well. They also would have priority for new parts as they ordered them – so it was a good decision. The insurance was agreeable to pay whatever it cost.

We’re patiently waiting for all the parts to come in. Still waiting on the grill – ugh! There was a GM strike about six months ago and parts are not all ready yet. It’s so sad to see our truck without it’s “teeth” 🙂

We put close to 1,000 miles on this baby – a very nice ride!

OOPS! We learned that we didn’t have car rental on our insurance – not good! We had to rent a car in order to get around. We got the “best deal” on a weekly rate, but so far we’ve had the rental for over a month – yikes!

Total time with our rental car was 7 weeks – whew…no words!

Finale UPDATE!

It was a very happy reunion 🙂 !

February 17, 2020 – After 7 weeks, reunited with our “new” truck again! We got the call on the weekend, but couldn’t make the trip until Monday. We had to learn all over again how it drove – sweet times!

The timing was perfect, we needed to head north in 6 days. We weren’t sure what God had in store for us. Glad this adventure is over and all turned out grand!

September 11, 2019 “Uneventful” on our way to Newton, KS… -NOT!

We left Rocky Ford knowing that we had a full day (8-10 hours) of drive time ahead of us. But we had a new truck new tires, all seemed grand. This was our first big travel day and we were ready.

Lorree got out the step stool to wash our windows while fueled up.
Lorree took a turn at driving – pulling the rig down the highway for a few hours – she did great!

For lunch we stopped at a truck stop and enjoyed some down time off the road. Things were going smooth – until we came back to the trailer and saw a flat tire!

So…my Harbor Freight 12 ton canister jack had leaked its oil and wouldn’t lift the trailer. A very helpful truck stop attendant came out with his big floor jack and did the job – SO thankful for people that God puts in our lives!

We arrived late evening on Wednesday Sept 11 at East Lake Harvey County Park. Nice to be under some big cottonwood shade trees next to the lake.

We were able to get the tire fixed. The next day Caleb and Ryan came to help Papa change the tire and put the spare back (for next time!)

September 6 – 7, 2019 A New Truck! (We didn’t get very far)

So…We had quite a few friends and family a little concerned when we left town pulling our trailer with our 2002 Avalanche. After coming down the mountain into Colo Springs last Friday, our faithful truck said “no more”. Engine failure along with trying to stop with only manual brakes, we ended up at a nearby dealership. 

After praying and asking for much wisdom, we felt led to look at buying a new truck. 

We felt Him guiding us with this, “I affirm what you are doing, but let’s do this right!”

We were at the dealership until 8:30 pm, pouring rain, working to move all of our stuff from the old pickup to the new one. We were SO tired – emotionally and physically!.  We left the trailer in the dealer parking lot and got a motel room for the night.  We are so thankful that God protected us and has provided the resources for a brand new truck!

We’re blessed beyond measure, and feel safe and confident as we begin our journey all over. Thanks for those praying for us, we wanted you to know how God answered❤️☝️!